Wednesday, January 28, 2009

E Myth (part 3)

As I continue to read through The E Myth Revisited I am reminded of how important it is to ask the right questions in church leadership. Questions like: “Where do we wish to be as a local body of Christ followers?” “When do we wish to be there?” “What resources will we need to get there – money, people, etc.?” “What educational processes will be required? What leadership will need to be in place to make it happen?” These are all good questions and should be considered when developing a growth matrix for the local church.

However, the question I think many leaders still need to wrestle with first is: “What does a great church look like?” Then discussion can return to the present with the intention of changing it to match the vision. The Ministry Performa of Willoughby Hills Friends Church is:

Vision – “To love Jesus Christ and other people unconditionally”

Mission – “To reach up, in, out and over.” To reach up in worship; In with the Holy Spirit for Christ likeness; Out to our world in service and evangelism; Over to each other for love and support.

Objectives – To educate, encourage, equip, evangelize and empower people so they may experience to best, most fulfilling life possible.

Give me your feedback. Is this a clear vision for the future? Is it SMART. Specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time bound?

Thanks for stopping by.

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