Monday, March 2, 2009

360 Degree Evaluations

At Willoughby Hills Friends Church we use annual "360 degree evaluations" to assess and improve the effectiveness of our leaders. It is a feedback tool that gives peers and lay people the opportunity to rate and evaluate staff. Most of the feedback addresses behaviors people observed throughout the year, many of which our pastors may not realize they exhibited to others.

This method is different from our previous administration who used a standard “top- down” appraisal, where staff was generally just evaluated by the senior pastor. I felt this unilateral approach was dated in approach and effectiveness and did not provide constructive feedback for our pastors from their peers or the laymen who serve under them.

There is great value in the feedback our pastors receive from the people they serve with each week in ministry. They are the ones who experience the “good, the bad, and the ugly” of ministry with them. Their feedback and perspective on staff performance is invaluable. Thus, the evaluation process is designed to be reflective and not punitive in purpose.

My hope is that our “360 evals” will help our staff grow in their position and in the likeness of Jesus Christ. It should reveal areas where additional training or professional development is necessary. The comments in the review are compiled and shared with our pastors to consider but the names of those filling out the questionnaires remain in confidence.

Hopefully the “360 evals” demonstrate to our staff and church body that we value open communication and seek to better our performance for the good of this local body and for the glory of God. I hope our laity can see how their feedback, whether positive or negative, is appreciated and used for professional improvement and character development. And, I hope they will be more apt to “speak the truth in love” when they feel something needs immediate attention in the ministry of our staff.

What about you? You do not need to be a staff member at WHFC to benefit from a “360 degree evaluation!” Go ahead and give it as try … “I triple dog dare you!” It will tell you how others perceive you, which we all know deep down inside is good for our personal development and growth in Christlikeness. Feel free to contact me for more information on 360 evaluations if you like and be sure to join us on Sunday, March 15 at 6 PM for the recall vote of our pastors.

Thanks for stopping by!

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