Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Success - Part 2

How do you measure success in your Christian life?

That was one of the questions I asked the Men's Fight Club last Saturday morning. I think that is a valid question, don't you? If our spiritual life is important to us, we should have a way to measure it, shouldn't we?

I think it is hard for the average person to measure success without thinking in terms of numbers. We can quickly default to performance based faith if we are not careful and begin measuring our Christianity based upon how often we attend church, pray, complete acts of service, tithe, etc. All of these are good in perspective but success in our Christian life must be more than counting nickels, noses, and notches don't you think?

Jesus said "that he came to earth so we could experience abundant life" in John 10:10. Abundant life ... a dynamic, personal, "in real time" life with Jesus! How is that measured? I would assume just like any other intimate relationship ... framed in love.

Jesus asked His disciples one day, "Do you love Me?" (John 21:17). In His choice of wording Jesus utilizes the highest form of love we have referenced in the Bible - "agape." It is both a noun and a verb. One is a covenant-the setting of our will. A commitment. A promise of sorts. The other refers to action. It involves doing.

Any intimate relationship involves both. If we love someone we "noun it" and "verb it," so to speak. Success in relationship occurs when two people are committed to one another and intentionally study, identify and service the needs of each other. Through such commitment and service we stir one another to emotion. Through communication we share how the dynamics of our relationship impacts us emotionally. In so doing we become intimate. I like to define intimacy as "in-to-me-see." To see into and understand the heart of another is love at its best! It is something to strive for in relationship with Christ ... it is a goal to be achieved.

As we seek to define success in our Christian life it must begin with intimacy with Christ. Ask God to deepen your understanding in this arena. Commit to becoming more emotionally vulnerable with Christ. Allow the Spirit of God to bear witness to your success and do not rely upon your own understanding or the definition/expectations of others to negatively persuade you in your relationship with Jesus. What say you?

Thanks for stopping by!

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