Monday, May 18, 2009


Prevenient grace is an important doctrine found in the scriptures. It means that God has gone before every human and made a deposit of His grace. He has touched every person, leaving His unique fingerprint on their soul. The Latin term for this is imago Dei, "the image of God."

To acknowledge the "imago Dei" in humans is to make a statement about God's love for people and the uniqueness and beauty of all people in God's eyes. To hold to imago Dei is not a denial of the inherent sinfulness of all people and need for repentance but rather to say that the image of God is so clearly stamped on mankind that not even the fall can completely erase it.

The example that Christ presents in the scriptures concerning evangelism is going forth into the world to identify the image Dei in others. Finding it in the least likely people of His day - foreigners, criminals, lepers, tax collectors, prostitutes and the like. Each of these Jesus treated with great respect and grace.

The work of an evangelist is not to bring God to sinful humanity but to uncover the imago Dei and assist people to use this knowledge for the salvation of their souls. We must assume that the gospel is buried deep in the soul of all people and it is our responsibility through relationship and service to others to uncover the imago Dei so God can restore His own unto Himself.

This is why we must move beyond the walls of the sanctuary and out into the world. This is why we feed the hungry and clothe the poor, visit the imprisoned, tend to the sick, organize Neighborhood Networks each year, and partner with our local municipalities (like WHISPER)in servicing the needs of others. Each one bears the image of our Creator. They are worthy of our love and respect.

This is why we view the building at 2846 SOM Center Road as a "relationship incubator," as an equipping, encouraging and educational center, and as a place where the church comes together to love and encourage one another and exchange God stories. For us the building is not a "salvation station" where people must come to hear of their depravity and sin and get saved nor is it "the house of God" where Christians must come to worship Him once a week. There is nothing wrong with people learning of sin and depravity and worshipping God in the meetinghouse but we must never loose sight that true worship is going forth into the world and find God - imago Dei "in the least of these," as Jesus so clearly said in Matthew 25.

The Bible commissions us "to go into the world," to "do the work of an evangelist" and "to be equipped for every good work." That does not mean knocking on doors with a salvation tract in hand and a Bible tucked under the arm. No, it means saying respectful words to your neighbor, esteeming those whom society would deem beneath you, going forth with a sack of groceries in hand and a hammer in the other. Evangelism is uncovering imago Dei in others so the Holy Spirit can save their soul.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. This presentation is new to me. I find it stimulating.

  2. What? No more hiding our Christianity behind the walls of the monastery? According to the story told by Chuck Colson, a monk named Telemachus went out into the world to do just that. He was drawn into the coliseum with a wave of spectators and witnessed the gladiators at work. He was greatly distressed and jumped into the arena with the cry forbear and desist! He did his best to try and stop the carnage. The crowd was delighted by this little monk in the arena, but finally he got in the way of a sword and was killed. The crowd went silent and one by one began to leave the arena. According to history, this was the last event of that sort in the coliseum. One man, coming out of his safe spot at God's beckon, was the catalyst to stop the massacres in the arena. Going outside the walls isn't safe, but it's right. Noah could've stayed in the ark that protected him during the flood, but he and every other thing on board would've eventually perished, ending life on earth. God commanded him to go forth and multiply and cover the earth. Isn't that the cry of our Savior in the New Testament? Did the disciples send out invitations to the neighboring towns telling people to come to them? Or did they go to the towns and share the gift? Was Christ's message "go ye" or "invite them into the church"?

    Let's go! Lovingly, tactfully, respectfully and truthfully.

  3. The example that Christ presents in the scriptures concerning evangelism is going forth into the world to identify the image Dei in others. Finding it in the least likely people of His day - foreigners, criminals, lepers, tax collectors, prostitutes and the like. Each of these Jesus treated with great respect and grace.

    The work of an evangelist is not to bring God to sinful humanity but to uncover the imago Dei and assist people to use this knowledge for the salvation of their souls. We must assume that the gospel is buried deep in the soul of all people and it is our responsibility through relationship and service to others to uncover the imago Dei so God can restore His own unto Himself.

    These two paragraphs are what I find so different from what I've 'heard' in the past. I wonder though, is it our responsibility to uncover the imago Dei for the others benefit? Or is it our responsibility because we know who's inside who we're talking too. facinating.

  4. From today's Ransomed Heart Devotional by John Eldredge:

    "The road we travel will take us into the battle to restore beauty in all things, chief among them the hearts of those we know. We grow in glory so that we might assist others in doing so; we give our glory to increase theirs."
