Thursday, May 28, 2009

Why all the Focus on Jesus?

Once in a while someone will ask, "Why does Willoughby Hills Friends talk so much about Jesus and seem to exclude God and the Holy Spirit?" My reply, Because of our biblical worldview." The Bible teaches that God is One and that He redeems and claims all things through Jesus Christ, the Messiah. Deuteronomy 6 and Mark 12 tells us that "The Lord our God is one; and you should love the Lord your God with all of your heart, and with all of your soul, and with all of your mind, and with all of your strength."

Jesus said there is no greater command or insight than this in Mark 12:31. If you get it, it will revolutionize your life. In the Old Testament the Deuteronomy passage is known as the "shema" which means "pay attention too." He is One God, sovereign over all things (everything is in His Kingdom), every aspect of your life and being is sacred unto the Lord. All of life is integrated under the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

To be in relationship with Jesus Christ is to experience the fullness of the Godhead. They are in perfect unity with One another, mutually submissive, and primarily present Themselves through the Person of Jesus Christ. COOL! For to know Jesus is to know God. For in Him the fullness of the Godhead dwells (1 Corinthians 8:6).

In addition, people will more often ask, "Why do you focus so much on outreach?" My reply, "Because of our biblical worldview! As we, 'pay attention - shema,' we note that our God presents Himself in scripture through Jesus Christ as good, holy, just, and compassionate and He requires us to be the same." In Mark 12:28-34 Jesus sums up the shema as "God is One, I represent the Godhead so as I have loved you you in return must go and love others" (Halvey's paraphrase).

Why all the fuss about Jesus? Because "in Him we live, move and have our being!" (Acts 17:28) He defines life for us and brings value to all things because it all belongs to King Jesus! Frame your life in that realization today ... Thanks for stopping by!



  1. More discipleship please!!!!

    What does the word Shema mean?

  2. Casey,
    Shema means "pay attention to." About discipleship: I will post the outline for this Sat's "Fight Club" tomorrow so you can study up!

  3. "in Him we live, move and have our being!" (Acts 17:28)

    Doesn't sound like something a person can "learn".
    Doesn't soound like something a person could attain through effort.

    Carry on!

  4. I do not argue with your recent posts but I also see Jesus paying close attention to the individuals he interacted with in respect to their personal need for relationship with Him (freedom, healing, life). Sometimes He clearly stated it is good to simply receive from Him (Mary and Martha). Other times He touched a life and required nothing (even saying to not testify to what happened). There are areas only He can access, where only He can go, and there are needs only He can meet.
    I hope we as a fellowship do not lose sight of the importance of this introduction. Without exception, I have yet to meet someone who, when introduced to Jesus, does not respond in some type of outward demonstration of love. But it should be in responce to His direction of their life, not our persuasion to behave as he did because He has asked us too.
    I do not think the importance of the institutionalized church in presenting the story of this, His offer, has diminished. I see Him at times stopping into the temple and partaking in its culture of teaching. The conclusion being that the structure was not all bad.

    I think the message of ‘service’ should continually be presented in a way that explains that when an individual; meets Jesus, enters into covenant relationship with Him, receives the ongoing freedom, healing and life He offers, there is a likelihood He will stir a passion in us to allow His love to flow through us. Thereby He lives through us, “it is no longer I but Jesus….”

    I worry we put the cart before the horse.

  5. Narrow & Monkey,
    The goal is full devotion/obedience to Christ from the heart. On this we agree for it is the sign of a mature follower of Christ. BUT one not having whole heart devotion or obedience does not make the command of "shema" null or void. Shema demands works of benevolence either way. We must emulate Jesus and in some respects it is a "learned process" Narrow (discipleship does mean "saving the mind)." Effort is required by us at this point ... we must have a preoccupation with Jesus and learn of His teachings and ways.

  6. Does a lost individual have to "learn" the ways of his Master? Does he have to remind himself that he is worldly, devote and emulate the king he follows? Does he have to discipline himself in order to grow and better live out his sin nature?

    Why is it so with our faith?
    Why is it effortless for humans to live sinfully and yet take effort and education to live righteously?

    Shema is law based.
    However I like this definition:
    Shema — listen, or hear, accept.

    The Lord speaks to each differently, as individuals. I speak for no one, save myself.
    I hear, listen and accept.

    Carry on!

  7. Narrow,
    Shema is Christ based not law supported. The Founder Himself affirmed it in the Gospels. You are correct doctrinally but we cannot speak out of both sides of the mouth. What is it to be? Will we have freedom in Christ or the law of doctrine which we hold too?
    I taught you doctine ... the Wesleyan/Arminian view including the second work of grace and christian perfection (which you articulate quite well, by the way). However, it is nothing more man's understanding of how Jesus matures His followers and should never superceed the words in red. Doctrine can stop our emulation of Christ and obedience to His "Golden Rule." It can/will be used by the enemy of our soul to distract our following of Jesus.

    Fight it man! Take a deep breath ... Let it go ... follow Jesus.

    Repeat after me, "It's ok for me to have to do something for Jesus. Because I am required to follow shema does not mean I am not walking in complete freedom with Jesus. I do it because He says so and eventually it will be the natural desire of my heart and I will not have to think about it any more"

    I love you man ... 10/4 good buddy?

  8. "The Lord speaks to each differently, as individuals. I speak for no one, save myself.
    I hear, listen and accept."

    Why is it that people I've heard say petty much the same thing really go out of their way to tell others how they should believe and act.

    I know, I know someone will say:"I am not telling anyone else how to think or act"

    But it sure does not come across that way. After all, at their core, isn't that what blogs are all about?

  9. Anonymous,
    I am not the sharpest knife in the kitchen at times, so to speak, and I am struggling to understand your comments. I think I hear yo saying that there is at times inconsistency within the Church. We talk freedom in Christ and then lay down rules for others to follow. Freedom should not tell people what to do.

    If this is what you are saying then I agree. BUT when Jesus gives us a command we must remind one another that it/they are not suggestions or recommendations however and we should tell one another what to do ... don't you think?
