Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Houston, we have lift off ...

I remember being mesmerized by the activity on Dad and Mom's old television set as a kid whenever NASA would send men into space. With the roar of the rocket boosters coming through the speakers I would hear the words, "Houston, we have lift off (followed by a "ping" sound). Wow! I must be old because some of that was viewed on a black and white set. How old is that? :-)

I found it interesting to recently read that throughout the Apollo missions to the moon the spacecraft regularly drifted off course. In fact, they say that more than 80 percent of their journey through space was slightly off course. To conserve fuel the spaceships would drift in space relying on gravitational pull. They only used their engines occasionally to readjust their coordinates and get them back on track. The occasional burst of the massive engine kept them heading in the right direction. (Frost & Hirsch, Re-Jesus, page 143)

Hebrews 12:2 reminds us to "keep our eyes fixed upon Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith." He is the gravitational pull that will lead us to our final destination and the coordinates necessary to keep us on track in the mean time. The Psalmist said in 141:8ff, "I will keep my eyes fixed upon You, O Sovereign Lord; in You I take refuge. You will keep me from the snare,trap, and nets of evildoers. In You will I pass by in safety." NICE!

Someday when our journey has ended we will hear, "Houston, we have landing!" Or, maybe put in more biblical terms it will be Jesus saying, "Well done good and faithful servant ... enter into your rest." So, let's stay engaged with Jesus and actively study and apply Him to our lives. This is no time to become disinterested and drift off course.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. i would guess that the astronauts and engineers wanted the occassional burst of energy to correct their course. in fact, i bet they planned it to happen and needed it. i wonder if the church (universal) knows it can get off course? it seems to me that history says the church always thinks it is on course and any Spirit empowered burst/refomation is avoided and extinguished....or at least attempts are made to extinguish it. the church does not want course correction beacuse it never thinks it is off course. should God withdraw his occassional bursts of Spirit led power and reformation we would surely crash land in the desert if we even made it back home at all.

  2. i would guess that the astronauts and engineers wanted the occassional burst of energy to correct their course. in fact, i bet they planned it to happen and needed it. i wonder if the church (universal) knows it can get off course? it seems to me that history says the church always thinks it is on course and any Spirit empowered burst/refomation is avoided and extinguished....or at least attempts are made to extinguish it. the church does not want course correction beacuse it never thinks it is off course. should God withdraw his occassional bursts of Spirit led power and reformation we would surely crash land in the desert if we even made it back home at all.
