Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Professional Life of the Christian Leader

The link below is a teaching I delivered for the Mid America Yearly Meeting Leadership Institute recently. You will find two other teaching links for the Institute in earlier blogs as well. The three topics I was asked to address over a three month period were:
- The Spiritual Life of the Leader
- The Family Life of the Leader
- The Professional Life of the Leader.

FYI: During the presentation we lost the internet connection for 20 minutes due to a storm so you will need to fast forward at that point to where the presentation resumes.

If the link does not open when you click on it simply copy and paste it into your browser.

Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Family Life of the Perfect Leader

The Family Life of the Perfect Leader

Here is a lecture I delivered on the Family Life of a Christian Leader for the Mid America Friends Leadership Institute on 3.5.12. If the link doesn't work simply cut and paste it into your web browser.

I look forward to your feedback!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Smart People

"Intellectual character is a by-product of the pursuit of truth" (Journal of Christian School Educators, Vol. 15, pg. 24) ... And ... "TRUTH'S name is Jesus Christ. Smart people pursue Him." (Halvey, Barclay College, office 204)

Can I get a witness?

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Spiritual Life of a Leader

Here is a lecture I delivered on the Spiritual Life of a Christian Leader for the Mid America Friends Leadership Institute on 2.6.12. If the link doesn't work simply cut and paste it into your web browser.

I look forward to your feedback!

Thanks for stopping by!


MATL-PS Suggested Bibliography

There a Suggested Bibliography for the MATL-PS?

Avery, William & Gaede, Beth. If This is the Way the World Works: Science, Congregations, and Leadership, Alban, 2007.

Banks, Robert & Ledbetter, Bernice. Reviewing Leadership: A Christian Evaluation of Current Approaches to Engaging
Culture, Baker Academics, 2004.

Bass, Bernard & Riggio, Ronald. Transformational Leadership (second edition), LEA Publ., 2006

Beebe, Gayle. The Shaping of an Effective Leader: Eight Formative Principles of Leadership, IVP, 2011.

Bender, Sharon. Producing the Capstone Project, Kendell/Hunt, 2003

Blanchard, Ken & Hodges, Phil. Lead Like Jesus: Lessons from the Greatest Leadership Model of All Time, Thomas Nelson,

Borek, John. The Good Book on Leadership: Case Studies from the Bible, Broadman & Holman, 2005

Boyd, Gregory. Repenting of Religion: Turning from Judgment to the Love of God, Baker, 2004

Burns, James Macgregor. Leadership, Harper & Row, 1978.

Burns, James Macgregor. Transforming Leadership, Grove Press, 2003.

Chapman, Gary and White, Paul. The Five Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace: Empowering Organizations by
Encouraging People, Northfield, 2010.

Cohen, Norman. Moses and the Journey of Leadership: Timeless Lessons of Effective Leadership from the Bible and
Today’s Leaders, Jewish Lights Publ. 2008.

Frost, Michael & Hirsch, Alan. The Shaping of Things to Come: Innovation and Mission for the 21st Century, Hendrickson,

Frost, Michael & Hirsch, Alan. Re Jesus: A Wild Messiah for a Missional Church, Hendrickson, 2009

Greathouse, William. Love Made Perfect: Foundations for the Holy Life, Beacon Hill, 1997.

Johnson, Spencer. Who Moved My Cheese?, Putnam, 1998.

Kouzes, James & Posner, Barry. The Leadership Challenge, Wiley, 2007

Lewis, Phillip. Transformational Leadership: A New Model for Total Church Involvement, Broadman & Holman, 1996

Mannoia, Kevin & Thorsen, Don. The Holiness Manifesto, William Eerdmans, 2008.
McKnight, Scot. The King Jesus Gospel: The Original Good News Revisited, Zondervan, 2011.

Morris, Gregory. In Pursuit of Leadership: Principles and Practices from the Life of Moses, Xulon, 2006

Onnen, Melanie. The Relationship of Clergy Leadership Characteristics to Growing or Declining Churches, UMI Dissertation Information Service, 1987,

Patten. M. L. Understanding Research Methods. Pyrczak Publishing, 2009
Quinn, Robert. Building the Bridge as you Walk on it: A Guide for Leading Change, John Wiley & Sons, 2004

Spencer, Carole Dean. Holiness: The Soul of Quakerism, WIPF & Stock, 2007
Sweet, Leonard. Out of the Question, Into the Mystery: Getting Lost in the Godlike Relationship , Waterbrook, 2004.

Sweet, Leonard. So Beautiful: Devine Design for Life and the Church, David C. Cook, 2009.

Trent, John and Smalley, Gary. The Blessing: Giving the Gift of Unconditional Love and Acceptance, Thomas Nelson, 2011

Wilkes, Gene. Jesus on Leadership: Discovering the Secret of Servant Leadership from the Life of Christ, Tyndale, 1998

Wright, N. T. Simply Jesus: A New Vision of Who He Was, What He Did, and Why it Matters, Harper & Row, 2011.

MATL-PS Faculty List

Who are the Potential Faculty Members?

Royce Frazier, PhD (confirmed)
Gayle Beebe, PhD
Terry Wise, PhD, DMin, JD (confirmed)
Jim LaShana, PhD (confirmed)
Matt Chesnes, DMin (confirmed)
Tom Klaus, PhD/ABD (confirmed)
Dave Kingrey, DMin (confirmed)
John Williams, PhD
Keith White, PhD (confirmed)
Paul White, PhD (pending)
Carole Dean Spencer,PhD (pending)
Tony Wheeler, PhD (confirmed)
Paul Shelton PhD (pending)
John Trent PhD (confirmed)
Adrian Halverstadt, PhD (confirmed)

MATL-PS Courses

What are the MATL-PS Class Schedule and Course Descriptions?

MATL-PS 501: Orientation
Course Description: PS501 is a one week class designed to introduce students to classmates, course instructors, the mechanics of the online portal and discussion forum, and the academic rigors of the program.

Semester One: (Introduction)
MATL-PS 511: Introduction to Transformational Leadership Theory
Course Description: In PS-511 students will be introduced to the field of transformational leadership theory. A concentration will be given to the history of transformational leadership theory noting the key personalities who contributed to the theory, the main characteristics of the theory, and the common application of the theory used in both religious and secular vocations and organizations since the 1970’s. Students will also explore the need for the revitalization of leadership and where leadership is headed in the future for effective Christian life service and leadership in the twenty-first century. (3 credit hours).

MATL-PS 512: Theological Perspectives on Transformational Leadership
Course Description: In PS-512 students are introduced to the missional, relational and Incarnational (MRI) model of leadership. Emphasis will be given to discovering the biblical foundation and historical roots of MRI. Focus will be given to exploring research data and literature noting how MRI is shaping Christian leadership today. (3 credit hours)

MATL-PS 513: Lab - Research Methods
Course Description: PS-513 is an introduction to the practical research methods commonly used in a graduate Capstone project or thesis. The course culminates with students proposing research ideas for their Capstone project and conducting focused research carried over from PS-511 and PS-512. (3 credit hours)

Semester Two: (Investigation)
MATL-PS 521: An Examination of Transformational Leadership Theory
Course Description: PS521 is designed to be a detailed investigation of the main concepts and components of the transformational leadership theory. In addition, students will begin investigating and critiquing how transformational leadership theory has impacted their profession and noting where additional contribution is needed. (3 credit hours)

MATL-PS522: Forging a Theological Leadership Model for the 21st Century
Course Description: In PS522 students will investigate the transformational leadership models of two key biblical personalities: Jesus Christ and Moses. Emphasis will be given to identifying the connecting points that exist between the missional, relational and incarnational model with transformational leadership theory. In additional, students will identify the biblical connecting points with the five main characteristics of transformational leadership theory as modeled through the leadership of Jesus Christ and Moses. (3 credit hours)

MATL-PS 523: Lab - Research Proposal
Course Description: In PS523 students will formally identify their Capstone project, submit a list of key words and phrases to be use in research, and conduct an investigation of research data and literature related to their Capstone proposal and content presented in PS-521 and PS-522. (3 credit hours)
Semester Three: (Identification)
MATL-PS 531: Comparing Contemporary Leadership Models with Transformational Leadership Theory
Course Description: PS531 identifies contemporary leadership models and critiques them with transformational leadership theory. A concentration will be given to understanding the importance of the leader’s personal awareness and leadership IQ. Students will identify the transformational principles necessary for personal growth and cultural transformation. Topics like followership, impact in leadership, fostering a shared culture of a common vision, mission, and values among others in the organization will be identified. In addition, students will examine and assess their leadership qualities by taking the “Leading From Your Strengths Assessment” questionnaire. (3 credit hours)

MATL-PS532: Theological Leadership in Strategy and Practice
Course Description: PS532 focuses on identifying and responding to the challenges facing contemporary Christian leaders today. Students will identify and critique the leadership styles of Biblical personalities from both the Old and New Testament including the 12 people Jesus Christ chose for His leadership team. Attention will be given to identifying the five common characteristics, the common practices, and ten commandments of transformational leadership with the life and leadership model of Jesus Christ. The course culminates with the students outlining their theology of leadership and assessing their ability to motivate others by taking the Motivating By Appreciation (MBA) Inventory. (3 credit hours)

MATL-PS 533: Lab- Research Outline
Course Description: PS533 is designed to give students structure to their Capstone project through the continuation of focused research germane to their Capstone project and class material presented in PS-531 and PS-532. The data students identify will culminate in the creation of an introductory paragraph, detailed outline, and bibliography to be used in their Capstone project. (3 credit hours)

Semester Four: (Infusion)
MATL-PS 541: Strategic Leadership – The Professional Application of Transformational Leadership Theory.
Course Description: In PS541 students examine behavioral models and the operating strategies needed to infuse transformational leadership theory into followers and organizations. Focus will be given to the strategy of infusing the specific elements of transformational leadership theory necessary for cultural transformation. In addition, students will explore how to infuse excellence, collaboration, conscious awareness, consequences, need assessment, follower empowerment through situational leadership, and shared decision making into followers and organizations.
(3 credit hours)

MATL-PS 542: Leading in Community - Applying Theological Principles of Transformation to Self, Community, and Culture
Course Description: In PS542 students will define and examine the relational strategy Jesus Christ used to infuse and transform the culture of His day. Students will give focused attention to the Royal Law of Christ and His mandate to infuse culture. In addition students will discover the five major transformational calls of God located in scripture designed to address the world’s most critical problems. (3 credit hours)

MATL-PS 543: Lab - Capstone Draft
Course Description: InPS543 students will conduct focused research germane to PS-541 and PS-542 and their Capstone project. The course will culminate with students presenting a final draft and give an oral defense of their Capstone project demonstrating the acquisition of scholarship, critical thinking, creativity and written communication skills. (3 credit hours)

How is Transformational Leadership THeory used today?

What does a sampling of research reveal about the use and effectiveness of transformational leadership theory?

Contemporary Leadership models:
> The most researched theory on leadership since 1970 (The Leadership Quarterly, 1999)

> Proven to value people at every level of the organization and create a culture of collegiality among management and employees (The Leadership Quarterly, Vol. 6, Issue 2, summer 1995)

> Increased job satisfaction, performance and leader-member and member–member exchange (The Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 29, Number 2, April 2006)

> Transformational leadership principles favorably impacts emotional intelligence and interpersonal influence among leaders and followers demonstrating positive outcomes individually and organizationally (Journal of Organizational Behavior, Issue 7, November, 2005)

> Data shows the four “I”s of Transformational Leadership Theory provides an effective social “science” construct for effective leadership (R. A. Barker, “The Nature of Leadership,” The Journal of Human Relations, 2001)

Public Education:
> Transformational leadership is the most suitable and effective leadership model used by principals and school administrators for organizational commitment, organizational citizenship behavior, teacher satisfaction, and student academic achievement (Cambridge Journal of Education, Vol. 33, Issue, 2003)

> Data reveals the effectiveness of Transformational Leadership Theory in the United Kingdom and calls for a wider dimension of its use (M. Bottery, School Leadership and Management, 2001).

> Transformational Leadership Theory was proven to be an effective means of creating culture in public schools (A. Harrison,” Leading from the chalk-face: An overview of school leadership,” Leadership Journal, 2005)

> A study based on 256 exemplary college presidents who turned their organizations around reveals a link to transformational leadership principles (American Association for American Junior Colleges, April, 1989)

> Expands the capacity to lead (Military Psychology, Vol. 16, Issue 4, 2004)

> Achieved the most positive impact on direct and indirect follower’s development and performance in military units (The Academy of Management Journal, 2002)

> The data concluded that police officers using transformational leadership principles have particular relational strengths that serve to elevate levels of commitment, work satisfaction, and motivation among Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) detachments. The data also points out that transformational leaders turn constraints into opportunities in the pursuit of their shared vision (Murphy, Steven A. & Drodge, Edward N. "The four I's of police leadership: A case study heuristic," International Journal of Police Science & Management, Spring 2004, Vol. 6 Issue 1, p1-15, 15p).

Business & Finance:
> a survey that investigated the contemporary practice of organizational development among the USA’s fastest growing firms (as identified by Fortune magazine) reveals the principles of transformational leadership theory changed “people’s lives, the milieu of the company, and the bottom-line” (Journal of Leadership and Organization, 1996)

> Transformational leadership training resulted in significant effects on bank employee’s ethical practice, organizational commitment and overall job performance (Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 81(6), December, 1996.

> Transformational leadership theory fosters a moral community in companies and organizations (L. M. Sama, Journal of Business Ethics, 2008)

> Research demonstrates that transformational leadership theory is most important during the birth, growth and revitalization ofan organization (H. Erkutlu, Journal of Management Development, 2008)

> Research results demonstrated that project managers who used adopted a transformational leadership style had a positive impact on actual project performance, that emotional intelligence of employees and actual project performance (W. Leban, Journal of Leadership and Organization Development, 2004)

> Evidence supports a positive relationship between the use of transformational leadership in nursing and increased patient outcomes (Journal of Nursing Management, 2007)

> Lower turnover rate, greater work satisfaction, and greater teachable components were observed in nursing departments that taught and used transformational principles (The Journal of Nursing Administration, Vol. 22, 1992)

> Conclusion of data reveals that Transformational Leadership Theory positively impacts the situational leadership framework of nurses and mid wives in the development and support of individuals and teams to meet the complex healthcare needs of patients within the clinical setting. Implications for nurse management: stronger situational leadership and support for employees and patients. (Soloman. Annette, ”Director of nursing and midwifery leadership: informed through the lens of critical social science.” Journal of Nursing Management, May2010, Vol. 18 Issue 4).

> Studies conducted by the National Healthcare System of Scotland revealed that using transformational leadership principles among medical personnel has improved the healthcare system of Scotland. Conclusion: reforming how healthcare is delivered depends on effective leadership at all levels. Developing the leaders of today and tomorrow will be crucial in delivering the ambitious goals that have been set for the health service (NHS Scotland Journal, May, 2004).

> Article links transformational leadership theory to nurses’ extra role performance and self-efficacy, (Marisa; Lorente, Laura; Chambel, Maria J.; Martínez, Isabel M. Journal of Advanced Nursing, Oct., 2011)

International & Missions:
> A major study reveals supportive evidence for the universality of transformational leadership in several continents. Data was gathered in business, education,military, government and the independent sector supports the effectiveness of transformational leadership when used cross culturally.

> This article reports on three studies that used a combination of methods to measure the wide-scale use and effectiveness of transformational leadership theory in India (Singh, Niti; Krishnan, Venkat R. "Transformational Leadership in India." International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, Aug2007, Vol. 7 Issue 2)

> This website describes the need and priority for leadership development by the Scotland government, outlines proposals and the necessary framework required to implement the theory nationwide

Clergy & Church:
> Data reveals that applying the principles of transformational leadership theory lead to successful pastoral leadership (Journal of Ministry, Marketing and Management, Vol. 4, Issue 2, 1999)

> Research data links leaders who successfully motivate followers in religious and non-profit organizations with transformational leadership theory (L.W. Fry, The Leadership Quarterly, 2003)

> Data reveals that in churches where parents were taught transformational leadership children demonstrated greater respect for the authority of both parents and church over those who were not exposed to the theory (B.M. Bass, European Journal of Work and Organization, 1999)

> Research links clergy using transformational leadership theory to higher church attendance and spiritual growth among congregants in the church membership (B. M. Bass, Organizational Dynamics, 1990)

> Research demonstrates that transformational leadership theory is effective than other theories studied in starting, growing revitalizing an organization (H. Erkutlu, Journal of Management Development, 2008)

> Studies show that United Methodist pastors using transformational leadership theory had greater parishioner satisfaction and performance reviews, longer tenure, and measurable growth in attendance over pastors who used transactional principles in leadership (M. Onnen, “The Relationship of Clergy Leadership Characteristics to
Growing or Declining Churches,” UMI Dissertation Information Service, 1989)

Women in leadership:
> Data reveals that transformational leadership theory is an effective means of training and promoting women in leadership (Journal of Social Psychology, March, 2008)

> Data reveals multiple connecting points between transformational leadership theory and scripture (M. Ayers - Journal of Biblical Perspectives in Leadership, 2006)

Parenting and Family Issues:
> Data reveals the positive effects parents have on children's health and wellness when Transformational Leadership Theory is applied in parenting. (Morton, Katie L.; Barling, Julian; Rhodes, Ryan E.; Mâsse, Louise C.; Zumbo,Bruno D.; Beauchamp, Mark R. “The Application of Transformational Leadership Theory to Parenting: Questionnaire Development and Implications for Adolescent Self- Regulatory Efficacy and Life Satisfaction,” Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, Oct. 2011, Vol. 33 Issue 5,).

> Research conducted by the Faculty of Education at the University of Haifa, Mount Carmel, Israel links good parenting to transformational leadership theory (The Leadership Quarterly, Vol. 14, Issue 1, February 2003)

> Data reveals that children whose parents were trained in transformational leadership demonstrated greater respectfor the authority over those who were not exposed to the theory (B. M. Bass, European Journal of Work and Organizational, 1999)

> The author links knowing and applying transformational leadership theory with marital success in homes where both spouses are fulltime professionals. (Dean. Donna, “Wither Thou Goest: The Trailing Spouse or Commuter Marriage Dilemma” Women’s Experiences in Leadership in K-16 Science Education Communities,2009)

> Study links TLT with employee’s ability to balance marriage and family life with work. (Halpern, Diane, and Murphy, Susan, “From work-family balance to work-family interaction: changing the metaphor,” Psychology Press, 2005)

Transformational Leadership Theory

What is Transformational Leadership Theory?

In the 1970’s James McGregor Burns hypothesized that leadership is the key to organizational renewal and global transformation and developed an effective leadership model for the twenty-first century called transformational leadership theory. The transformational model motivates followers beyond expectations and exhibits characteristics of charisma, inspiration, intellectual stimulation, individual consideration for followers, and motivation (Bass 1985). In developing his transformational leadership model Burns (1978) referenced Jesus Christ and “His miraculous transforming leadership”(Burns, 1978), Moses, Martin Luther and other key leaders who helped shape history.

Through an extensive examination of literature Burns discovered over 130 different definitions for leadership. He summarized his data into two basic categories and coined the terms “transformational” and “transactional” leadership (Bass, 1985). The transactional model engages in a social exchange where the leader and followers honor a contract. The contract is reinforced with reward or punishment and it often employs a reciprocal process of identifying and mobilizing persons with certain motives and values or through the use of various economic, political, status resources. Burns found that the chief cultural monitors in transactional organizations are: fairness, responsibility and the honoring of commitments (Burns, 1978, pg. 425).

Bass’ research shows that organizations which are hierarchical in structure and transactional in nature are less effective in reaching and sustaining their goal, accomplishing or expanding their mission, or transforming societies and culture than transformational ones. His research reveals that transformational leaders are more effective in shaping, altering and elevating the motives, values, goals and overall outcomes of organizations by influencing the culture of an organization (Bass, 1985, p. 426). The premise holds that whatever personal or separate interests followers may have, they can be united and pooled with the interests and needs of others, both leaders and followers, and best addressed through the mutual pursuit of the higher goals of liberty, justice and equality within the organization. Transformational leaders teach and model these characteristics to followers creating cultural monitors that transcend personal need and interest to that of mission and the greater good of all (Bass, 1985, p. 426)

Transformational leaders recognize and seek to address the existing needs and personal interest of followers but tend to go further by arousing and satisfying the higher needs of the organization (liberty, justice and equality) in order to engage the whole person for the good of all. The transformational leader raises consciousness of higher needs through intellectual stimulation, articulation, and role modeling (Bass, 1985, p. 14). They focus on raising the issues of consciousness and consequence requiring vision, self confidence, articulation, and inner strength to argue successfully for what he sees as right or good (Bass, 1985, p. 17).

Transformational leaders are known for motivating others beyond their current level of expectation or confidence. According to Burns this is accomplished three ways. First, leaders motivate followers by raising the level of consciousness within the organization from self interest to the pooled needs of others and then focusing attention on accomplishing the greater good for all. Second, transformational leaders motivate followers by focusing attention on the positive consequences of transcending self-interest for the common good of all. Third, motivation occurs by leaders teaching and modeling the altering of personal needs or wants (See Maslow’s and/or Alderfer’s list) to include the greater good of all (Bass, 1985, p. 20). As a result, a transformational leader can invent, introduce, and advance the culture of an organization. He can change the behavior of the organization, changes what the organization can talk about, and can change both the self-identify of followers and the organization (Bass, 1985, p. 24).

A new Online Masters Degree!

The Barclay College School of Graduate Studies presents a pure online Master of Arts in Transformational Leadership with a concentration in Professional Studies (MATL-PS) the fall of 2012. The MATL-PS degree is a 36 credit hour online graduate degree that is theoretical, theological, and research based in format designed to develop effective twenty-first century professional leaders for the glory of God.

Teaching students how to lead effectively in the context of twenty-first century organizations is the main focus of the new program. The MATL-PS is a master’s degree that equips Christian working professionals to become transforming leaders in their organizations, companies and churches. So whether you work in the for-profit or non-profit sector, the MATL-PS can equip you to grow in leadership, management and business skills. The program will help students be successful by fostering:
> A biblical worldview
> An ethical decision-making model
> A servant leadership mentality
> Intentional character development
> A biblical perspective on current leadership models
> Researching contemporary leadership practice and theory
> Understanding best practice in business and management
> Identify organizational design and structure
> Team building
> Vision casting
> Goal setting

The Barclay College full online MATL-PS degree is …
- A balanced concentration of theory, theology, and research designed to create professional leaders of transformation throughout the world for the glory of God.
- Christ centered and biblically based
- Fully accredited
- Affordable: $375 per credit hour. Tuition under $14,000
- Approved for financial aid
- Trans-vocational in perspective designed for anyone with a bachelor’s degree who desires to be a transformational leader in the twenty-first century.
- Convenient: Asynchronous online classes
- Concentrated: four modules -16 months total
- Pure online (no weekly residency required)
- Personal -instructors are available for one-on-one consultation
* Read about the benefits of online academics at:

For more information on the MATL-PS (or to fill out an application) simply click on or contact